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1. Nutrition

A good workout is only part of accomplishing your fitness goals. If you want to build Lean-Muscle, consider grass-fed beef, beets, eggs, quinoa, or spinach to add to your daily workout. In one month you should notice some gains, as long as you cut out other processed foods and sugars.

2. Exercise

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Make exercising a part of your day!

3. Lifestyle

At Elite Fitness we believe that living a healthy life is not just about working out, it also takes planning and starts with a choice. Nutrition is a key factor in your health and one of the most important factors in building muscle mass and performance both in and out of the gym.

4. Mindset

Step 1: Join a Gym

Step 2: Find a Gym Buddy

Step 3: Track Your Progress

Step 4: Reward Yourself


Team Elite 30 Day Challenge

Physical activity can improve your health and reduce the risk of disease. Join Elite Fitness Questa and begin your journey to better health. Become a member and enter the Elite Fitness Challenge. A 30 day fitness challenge that will get you ready to climb mountains! ​


WIN a FREE 1 Month Membership!

Learn more about the Team Elite 30 day Fitness Challenge.

EST 2017      Elite Fitness Workout Center LLC (Questa, NM) 

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